Trabalhos sem Fronteiras - 1 de Junho - Maus Hábitos - NBAA
A Arquitectos Sem Fronteiras Portugal convida a assistir a mais um “Trabalhos sem Fronteiras”, sobre experiências de arquitetura à volta do mundo, nos MAUS HÁBITOS, a partir das 17h30 de sexta-feira, no dia 1 de Junho.
Nadir Bonaccorso studied architecture at the Facoltá di Architettura, Politecnico di Milano and graduated in 1993. He collaborated with João Luís Carrilho da Graça Office (1993 – 1996). In 1997 led his own office (nbAA). He starts working with passive solar energy in architecture, extending his interests on research, apllied to competitions. From the prizes won, worth mention the special prize of the Sustainable Architecture Award Fassa Bortolo (3rd edition), First prize in the international competition ARCHI-EUROPE-SAIE selection 09. Selected for the Biennal of São Paulo and for the 54th Bienal of Venice with the work developed on Design. He presented his work and have been published, nationally and internationally. In 2012 release his monografy fuNking life, edited by caleidoscopio. His center of interest is the need of change of paradigm to respond at the actual planetary challenges.