2018 General Assembly meeting of ASF-International
Welcome to the 11th General Assembly meeting of ASF-International. A network of 32 member organization from 5 continents. The event will be hosted by Architecture Sans Frontières- France in Marseille, France.
Architecture Sans Frontières International (ASF-Int) is an independent network of not for profit design organisations concerned with social justice, the cultural and environmental aspects of architecture and the conservation of the human and physical heritage aspects of the built environment.
The event is being planned to include various sub events and knowledge sharing activities,exhibitions and city tours with main activities as :
01. Challenging Practice workshop :
“Challenging Practice: Essentials for the Social Production of Habitat”
Challenging Practice is an independent-learning programme that seeks to enable built environment professionals to engage reflexively with the challenges of international development in the urban global South.
02. A demonstration of the intellectual outputs of DESINC Project:
Designing Inclusion is an Erasmus Plus project addressing the interface between urban design & planning education, and the production of inclusive urban spaces.
The focus of attention is set on European cities, and on the capacity of current and future urban practitioners to make a meaningful contribution to the reception of international migrants and refugees in local urban areas.
03. ASF-Dialogues ” Welcoming Cities” ( Public event ) :
while Almost every city in the world is being affected by the rapid urbanization and the Global immigration movement, the pressure to transform our cities to inclusive cities is increasing. and as a network of organizations who believe in social justice and right for habitat, this year we are gathering efforts to raise the discussion on what makes our cities welcoming for all ? and what is the positive impact of diversity on the growth of our urban areas?
More information about the event will be published soon!
Would you like to learn more on how to participate?
Contact our Secretary General Miss. Amani Alshaaban
Email: Secretary-General@asfint.org
Website: www.asfint.org