“The Architecture of Growth, Heritage, and Modernity”
In the practice of architecture, working with/in the context of heritage often means taking care of buildings with historical significance in the form of restoration, conservation, and revitalization. This leads to the underlining of the importance of its multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder nature, i.e. of including experts from the academia, industry, and also the government. Consequentially the undertaking of works in a heritage context will have a degree of critical contestation.
Who decides?
Who owns?
Whose significance does this place belong to?
This is particularly illuminated in cities such as Semarang and Jakarta as many heritage sites are situated in the urban centers and areas of high value. In reality: dwellers, squatters, visitors are using space at urban heritage sites which brings life to these areas: a kind of sustenance to its notion of heritage. With the increase of development—and inadvertently, the practice of architecture—that occurs at breathtaking speed, it is timely to look at heritage as a day-to-day practice. “Living with Heritage” will look at how to balance various aspects of architectural practice at urban heritage context, while embracing the idea of social inclusion and participation, in bringing consciousness on the social and economic sustainability at urban heritage context.
We invite all members, practitioners, and researchers to submit proposals for presentations with no more than 300 words. The abstract should be submitted with a speaker short presentation. Selected presentations will be allocated 15 minutes.
28 June 2019 Deadline for Submission of Proposals
5 July 2019 Notification of Proposal Acceptance
12 July 2019 Deadline for Submission of the Full Presentation of paper and speaker
27 July 2019 ASF Dialogue at Monod Diephuis, Semarang, Indonesia
Email: secretary-general@asfint.org